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A brown dog lying in the grass panting with its tongue out.

A Matter of Taste: Do Dogs Have Taste Buds?

Commercial dog food typically comes in a variety of flavors and textures to match the preferences of pet parents (e.g., kibble or canned). But your dog may also have preferences for the flavor and texture of their food. So what exactly is influencing your dog’s ability to taste food and to determine which food they like best (or at least what they will or will not eat)? Do dogs have taste buds? Do they use their other senses to distinguish flavors as well? Let’s find out.

Do Dogs Taste Food or Just Gobble It Down?

When it comes to the eating habits of dogs, there are a few different scenarios. There are the food gobblers that practically inhale their food, then there are the “all day buffet” dogs who like small snacks throughout the day. No matter how quickly or slowly dogs eat their food, they can taste the food, as dogs do have taste buds.

Dogs Have Fewer Taste Buds Than People

There are around 1,700 taste buds on a dog’s tongue. This may seem like a lot, but dogs actually have a weaker sense of taste compared to people, as we have around 9,000 taste buds.

What Can Dogs Taste?

Dogs can taste bitter, sour, salty and sweet flavors. They typically don’t like bitter tastes, which is why they’re often used in taste deterrents. Unlike humans, dogs also have special taste buds that can taste water.

Can Dogs Taste Spicy Foods?

Dogs can taste spicy food, but probably not to the same level as we can taste it. However, it’s not recommended to feed dogs spicy food, as it can cause discomfort and an upset digestive system.

Can Dogs Taste Sour Food?

Dogs do have sour taste buds. Most dogs aren’t fans of chomping on sour foods though!

Can Dogs Taste Sweet Flavors?

Yes, dogs have sweet taste buds and can taste sweet foods.

Your Dog’s Nose Can Detect Flavors

When we eat food, about three-quarters of the flavor we’re experiencing comes from the smell of the food. Dogs experience flavor the same way, so even though dogs don’t have as many taste buds as we do, they make up for this with their far superior sense of smell.

If your furry friend prefers canned food or human food over kibble, it’s possibly because most canned food has a strong aroma, which makes it more appealing to your dog’s sense of smell. It can certainly create a pungent perfume in the kitchen when you open the can! But taste and smell aren’t the only influences on your dog’s food preferences — there’s one more thing.

Dogs Like Different Food Textures

Dogs will also show preferences for the texture of food or the “mouthfeel.” Have you met someone who won’t eat mashed potatoes because they don’t like the texture? Similar preferences can occur in dogs. They may prefer how some foods feel in their mouths over others, which includes the shape and size of kibble.

Bonus fact: It’s thought that some dogs eat grass because they like the taste and texture of chewing on it, not because they’re feeling sick.

Dog Food Formulations: Nutrition First, Then Flavor

At Diamond Pet Foods, we prioritize our choice of flavors based on meeting nutritional goals, audience demand and ingredient sustainability. Nutrition, not flavor, is always the first priority for our nutritionists and veterinarians when they formulate food for dogs. But, of course, it also has to taste good for dogs to benefit from the nutritious food, so flavor is an important part of our formulation considerations.

Take Time Switching Dog Food

If you’re switching your dog’s food to a new type, the trick is to do the transition slowly. This will help adjust your dog’s palate to the flavor and/or texture of the new food, and it will help reduce the chance of an upset stomach as their digestive tract adjusts to the new food, too.

First, check with your veterinarian that the new food is suitable for your pet. Start by mixing 25 percent new food with 75 percent current food in your dog’s bowl for a few days, then gradually increase the amount of new food over the next 10–14 days until you’re at 100 percent new food. If you’re transitioning from canned or wet food to kibble, the process may take longer, as the dry food has a different taste and texture. You can try mixing a little wet food into the kibble or add some water to encourage your dog to eat it.

It’s also important not to give in too quickly to dogs who are being picky eaters about their new food. If your dog refuses to eat their food straight away, let the bowl sit there a while and see if they come back to it. However, if your dog hasn’t eaten anything for 24 hours, contact your vet. They will make sure there isn’t a medical issue causing your dog’s loss of appetite.

Flavor Preferences Are Unique

Your dog’s preferences for the foods they will and will not eat are complex — just like ours. If you have two furry friends, one dog may prefer different foods to the other because of the taste, smell or texture. Take our formula quiz to find the right food for your dog (or dogs)!


The information in this blog has been developed with our veterinarian and is designed to help educate pet parents. If you have questions or concerns about your pet's health or nutrition, please talk with your veterinarian.


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