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A close-up of a white cat with blue eyes.

The Most Common Cat Breeds for Cat Lovers

Have you ever wondered which are the most popular cat breeds? We did, which is why we created this list of some of the popular house cat breeds and a summary of what it is about them that leads to their popularity. But is one of these breeds also the most popular cat? Or is there another possibility?

How Many Breeds of Cats Are There?

The answer depends on who you ask. The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), the world’s largest registry of pedigreed cats, accepts 45 pedigreed breeds for registration. The International Cat Association (TICA), the world’s largest genetic registry of pedigreed and domestic cats, recognizes 73 breeds for championship competition. So the answer is somewhere between 45 and 73, with new breeds added occasionally.

What Are the Most Popular Cat Breeds?

As with all “most popular” lists, choosing which breeds are the most popular house cats could be a subjective decision. We’ve made our list (in no particular order) based on the breeds that have consistently been at the top of the CFA’s annual most popular breeds list. The CFA list is based on the number of cats registered worldwide for each breed. Other cats that often make the CFA’s top 15 popular breed list include Devon rex cats, Siamese cats, sphynx cats and the American shorthair cat.

To help explain why these breeds are the consistent popularity winners, we’ve summarized their personalities and best features, based on CFA’s breed descriptions. You’ll notice a theme that all of these breeds love attention from their humans. It’s also important to note that these are general observations of each breed. Each cat has their own distinctive personality and may not “fit” these descriptions, but that’s why we love ’em.


A white ragdoll cat with blue eyes lying on the floor.

For people who love affection and companionship from their cat, a ragdoll is the perfect breed. They love to be constantly by your side and can even play fetch. They’re easygoing in both personality and maintenance, with a semi-longhaired coat that requires minimal grooming. Created in the 1960s, ragdolls are a relatively new breed.


A white and brown exotic shorthair cat.

The exotic cat breed is great for people who love how Persians look but aren’t so keen on a Persian’s daily grooming requirements. Exotic cats have a thick, dense coat that does not mat and big eyes perfect for persuading their owners to open the treat jar. They love cuddles, are loyal and generally face the world with a laid-back attitude.

British Shorthair

A gray British shorthair cat.

British shorthair cats are very affectionate and can form strong bonds with their owners. They’re also easily trained and very adaptable to their environment. British shorthairs are probably the oldest English breed of cat, with ancestry that goes back to Roman domestic cats. They’re medium to large cats that come in a variety of colors and patterns.


A white Persian cat lying in the sun.

When you envision a Persian cat, a white cat with a magnificent long coat probably comes to mind. However, they come in a variety of colors, not just white. Their pretty coat will need daily grooming with a metal comb and occasional baths to keep it healthy, clean and tangle-free. Persians generally aren’t fans of loud households or of climbing or jumping — they’d rather pose for a photo so you can add it to the Cat Club page of the Diamond Family Album.

Maine Coon

A black and white Maine coon cat lying on the floor.

For cat parents that like their cat’s coat to look a little more tousled than smooth all over, Maine coons are a good choice. They have an uneven shaggy coat that is easier to maintain than other long-haired breeds and a thick tail that, as a cold weather cat breed, they can wrap around their body to keep them warm. Maine coons also have big, tufted ears for warmth and protection and large, tufted paws for walking on top of snow for when they’re being adventurous outdoor cats. Intelligent cats that are easily trained, they are also one of the few breeds that love playing in and around water. Maine coons want to be involved in every part of their human’s life — to the point that if you want privacy from your Maine coon cat, you may have to shut the door.

The Real Most Popular Cat Breed in the U.S. Isn’t a Breed at All

Most of the world’s cats aren’t any of these breeds: more than 95 percent are non-pedigree cats. So if we want to talk about the most popular cats, it’s not one single breed of cat but the cats whose ancestries are a combination of breeds. In the U.S., cats of mixed-breed origins are typically called domestic shorthair (or longhair) cats, and in Britain they use the fun term “moggies.” For more cat breed insights, check out our article on cat breed questions you’ve always wondered about.

Unique Cat Breeds

We’ve mentioned some of the most popular breeds, but which breeds have unique characteristics? There’s the Bengal who has spots like its wild cat cousins. And the LaPerm who has a soft and springy curly coat. Or the Turkish van who loves to play and swim in water!

Best Cat Breeds?

Well of course, we can’t say which are the best cat breeds — it’s the one that you own, right? The breed that fits your personality and lifestyle, or often, the mixed-breed shelter cat who picked you!

You’ve read the “official” breakdown of the most popular breeds of cats, so what’s the most popular cat breed in your household?


The information in this blog has been developed with our veterinarian and is designed to help educate pet parents. If you have questions or concerns about your pet's health or nutrition, please talk with your veterinarian.


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