A British shorthair cat looking up.

Diamond CARE Urinary Support Formula for Adult Cats

Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) occurs frequently in pet cats, especially those indoor-only, overweight cats who don’t get enough exercise. In fact, bladder or urinary tract disease was the most common medical condition that prompted veterinary care among insured cats in 2017 and 2018, according to Nationwide.

FLUTD is an all-encompassing term used to describe infections, crystals, stones and inflammation (known as idiopathic cystitis) of the lower urinary tract — the bladder and urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. Not only is FLUTD a serious health condition, but it’s very painful to cats and can cause them to associate painful urination with their litter box. And since cats typically avoid pain like other pets, they stop using their litter box — which can lead to more issues for both cats and owners.

“Urinating outside of the litter box is considered the most common behavior problem reported by cat owners,” says Dr. Alex Bradley, a veterinarian at Hamby Road Animal Hospital in Alpharetta, Georgia. “Inappropriate urination is also one of the most common reasons why pet owners surrender their cats to shelters. While litter box behavior is a complicated issue, a common underlying cause is feline lower urinary tract disease, or FLUTD. The good news is that FLUTD can be managed and nutrition can play a role.”

Diamond CARE: A urinary health support diet designed with cats and price in mind

As a cat owner, you know that food plays an extremely important role in your cats’ overall health. But did you also know that feeding the “wrong” food can contribute to FLUTD?

Large amounts of certain minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, can contribute to crystal formation in the urine. The two most common types of urinary crystals, struvite and calcium oxalate, can also lead to stone (or urolith) formation. Urinary crystals and stones can irritate the bladder lining, causing pain, and when combined with other materials, can lead to urethral blockages.

The composition and characteristics of cat urine are directly related to diet, which is why nutrition is important to FLUTD management. A key aspect of cat urine that is influenced by food is the acidity, or pH, of urine.

Diamond CARE Urinary Support Formula for Adult Cats is an option that can help address your feline friend’s urinary health issues. The food helps support a healthy urinary tract by reducing urine pH. In addition, controlled amounts of minerals help reduce their presence in urine and decrease the risk of crystal and stone formation.

The formula also contains guaranteed levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in an optimal ratio to maintain healthy skin and coat. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory effects throughout the body, including the bladder wall. Omega-6 fatty acids, on the other hand, are essential for skin and coat condition, proper cell wall structure and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. To ensure cats receive all the nutrients they need, this formula is made with chicken meal as the first ingredient and guaranteed levels of antioxidants to support a strong, healthy immune system. As an added bonus, this formula is guaranteed to contain no more than 1 percent phosphorus and 0.1 percent magnesium, nutrients that can negatively impact the nervous system, heart and kidneys in excessive amounts.

You can learn more about Diamond CARE Urinary Support Formula for Adult Cats by visiting the product information page.

Your veterinarian will be able to determine if your cat’s urinary tract issues are related to FLUTD or another cause. Be sure to talk with your veterinarian about your cat’s symptoms, the food you’re currently feeding and whether your cat would benefit from a change in diet.


RELATED POST: Common Pet Health Issues Affected by Nutrition: Part 2

The information in this blog has been developed with our veterinarian and is designed to help educate pet parents. If you have questions or concerns about your pet's health or nutrition, please talk with your veterinarian.


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