All Articles / Health / Safety / 6 Questions to Help You and Your Pets Prepare for the Unexpected
A small white dog sitting with a first-aid kit and other first-aid supplies.

6 Questions to Help You and Your Pets Prepare for the Unexpected

We may not know what is going to happen tomorrow, but we can think about what we would do if an unexpected fire or other emergency did occur, especially if it involved our pet’s care. Here are six questions to get you thinking about how to prepare you and your pet for an unforeseen event.

An interior graphic detailing where you can take your pet if they need care after hours.

An interior graphic detailing where your pet can stay if you have a medical emergency and can't look after your pet.

An interior graphic detailing what should be included in a pet first-aid kit.

An interior graphic detailing what should be included in a pet disaster kit.

An interior graphic detailing what information should be kept up-to-date for your pet.

An interior graphic detailing what you should do and where you should look if you have lost your pet.

Of course, this isn’t everything you need to do to prepare for an emergency or unforeseen event related to your pet. But hopefully we have at least got you thinking about some of the ways you can prepare for the unexpected.


RELATED POST: Take Steps to Keep Pets Safe from Fire

The information in this blog has been developed with our veterinarian and is designed to help educate pet parents. If you have questions or concerns about your pet's health or nutrition, please talk with your veterinarian.


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